суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


November 9, at 3: I just can't seem to find many people out there doing it on windows mostly they are on linux. Note that this section only applies if you are using the configure. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Thanks for your help! pyqt4 for python 2.6

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Hey, Very much thanks for the 64 bit version of Pyqt. Not sure if this is common or not. This option ignores the result of the check and assumes that Qt has been built as shared libraries. Do you have to run the configure step again, or should I reinstall Qt and start from scratch?

Navigation index modules next previous PyQt 4. I just can't seem to find many people out there doing it on windows mostly they are on linux Fof about SIP?

Their Python extension seems to only work with Python 2. I think your program will need to know python's path in order to use pyuic.

pyqt4 for python 2.6

Normally qmake is found on your PATH. Using apt-get install python-qt4 I get a perfectly working installation for 2. Hi, Your instructions were a life saver. Download the Phonon Multimedia Framework is only supported by python 2. pythn

How to Compile PyQt4 for Python AMD64 (64 bit) on Windows x64

Email Required, but never shown. Something like the following may be appropriate on Windows:. I will run it again. Had lots of "File cannot be written over itself" output.

pyqt4 for python 2.6

Looks like the installation process has become much easier because the pyqt pytjon gives everything you need to start developing once python is installed. I emailed riverbank about it.

How do we handle problem users? The following is pyhon example configuration file: The argument -spec SPEC will be passed to qmake. January 4, at 3: What am I doing wrong? Note that if you use this configuration with a version of Qt earlier than v5.

Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. This results in significantly reduced compilation times.

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Both editions can be built for Python 2 and 3. For example, if a configuration file contains sections for Qt v5. You can also use pythonw. You should add the path that contains those dlls to the system path, or you should copy them to somewhere python searches already, like the c: Thanks for the post.

pyqt4 for python 2.6

Hello Ozgur, I deleted the mocinclude. I did however find another location with the mocinclude. January 6, at 9: I will give that a try! Some Linux distributions configure their Qt builds to make this check unreliable.

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